
Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city with a population of 200,000 inhabitants. Unique cultural treasures and an exciting history are to be found in the city of knowledge and inspiration. Uppsala has retained its small-town charm while offering a big city’s selection of shops, restaurants and other entertainment.

Uppsala has many historical attractions. Among the most famous are

However, Uppsala is not only known for its traditions. Today Uppsala is a dynamic industrial and commercial city where knowledge, ideas and entrepreneurship are at the center. The city’s geographical location with only 30 minutes to Stockholm-Arlanda international airport and 40 minutes to Stockholm has made Uppsala an attractive place for meetings.

Other useful links


Uppsala Castle
Photo: Guillaume Baviere, Wikimedia

Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum
Photo: David Naylor, Uppsala University

Uppsala Cathedral
Photo: Kateryna Baiduzham,Wikimedia, ID: LM2023/012886


Academic Conferences - administration of EFPP 2025
E-mail: efpp2025@akademikonferens.se
Phone: +46 18 67 10 03

Important dates

Nov          Abstract submission opens
Nov          Registration opens

21 Feb     Abstract submission closes
Mar          Abstract notification
31 Mar    Early bird closes
Apr           Final program
2-5 Jun   Conference


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