
Rooms have been pre-booked for EFPP 2025 participants at the following hotels in Uppsala. Rooms are booked for 1 – 6 June. Please follow the respective instructions to book at the conference rate. Room reservation is made on a first-come – first-served basis.

Best Western Hotel Svava

Conference rate per night with breakfast

Single room: 1 595 SEK/night
Double room: 1 795 SEK/night

Book by email or telephone +46 (0)18 13 00 30
Booking code: # 397678

The conference rate and rooms will be available up until 3 May 2025.

Website: Best Western Hotel Svava

A room with a bed, a desk, a tv and a chair.

Best Western Hotel Uppsala

Dynamic pricing is applied. When you book with the code, you receive a 5% discount.

Book at the hotel website or emails, using the booking code EFPP2025.

The conference rate and rooms will be available up until 30 April 2025.

Website: Best Western Hotel Uppsala

A single bed, desk and chair.

Clarion Hotel Gillet

Conference rate per night with breakfast

Single room: 1 590 SEK/night

Book at Clarion Hotel Gillet’s booking page

The conference rate and rooms will be available up until 6 April 2025.

Website: Clarion Hotel Gillet

Building with yellow and brown wall.

Elite Hotel Academia

Conference rate per night with breakfast

Standard room, 1-2 June: 1 590 SEK/night
Standard room, 2-5 June: 2 290 SEK /night
Standard room, 5-6 June: 1 590 SEK /night

Book at Elite Hotel Academia’s booking page

The conference rate and rooms will be available up until 1 April 2025.

Website: Elite Hotel Academia

Picture of the building, Radisson Blu. Bridge and staires.

Radisson Blu Uppsala

Conference rate per night with breakfast

Standard room: 1 786 SEK/night

Book at Radisson Blu Uppsala’s booking page

The conference rate and rooms will be available up until 1 April 2025.

Website: Radisson Blu Uppsala


Academic Conferences - administration of EFPP 2025
Phone: +46 18 67 10 03

Important dates

Nov          Abstract submission opens
Nov          Registration opens

21 Feb     Abstract submission closes
Mar          Abstract notification
31 Mar    Early bird closes
Apr           Final program
2-5 Jun   Conference


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