Welcome reception at Gustavianum (June 2)
We will start the conference by meeting up in the evening at Gustavianum, Uppsala University’s oldest preserved building. Built in the 1620s it housed lecture halls, libraries, student housing and student kitchens. Today, the building displays and manages the university’s magnificent historical collections including an impressive art and coin collection.
Gustavianum is one of Uppsala’s most iconic landmarks and a must-see. While you are mingling with other conference delegates, do not miss the anatomical theatre, an amphitheater with standing room for 200 people. It was erected on the roof of the house in the 1660s.
Conference dinner at Norrlands nation (June 4)
Uppsala is famous for its abundance of student clubs, called nations, all representing a geographical area or landscape of Sweden.
The conference dinner will take place at Norrlands nation, the nation representing the very north of Sweden.
By joining the conference dinner, you can enjoy a magnificent location next to the river and a three-course dinner inspired by the local taste of Norrland.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Academic Conferences - administration of EFPP 2025
E-mail: efpp2025@akademikonferens.se
Phone: +46 18 67 10 03
Important dates
Nov Abstract submission opens
Nov Registration opens
21 Feb Abstract submission closes
Mar Abstract notification
31 Mar Early bird closes
Apr Final program
2-5 Jun Conference